...you forget your mother language?

What if you forget your mother tongue?

This might seem like a weird idea since spoken language is the basis of communication for most of us and since we normally use it all the time it is hard to imagine to forget our mother tongue. Nevertheless, people who live for a long time in a country where a different language is spoken sometimes fear to loose their mother tongue when they adapt to their new environment and therefore adopt the new language.


...everyone has to stay home because of a virus

Nowadays we usually only spent time at home in the evening or at night. During the day we manly do activities outside the house. So in this article I will imagine what happens if everyone has to stay at home because of a virus.



...we let pandemics spread without intervening?

This week we look at what would happen if a global plague would not be stopped or in other words: what if we let pandemics spread without intervening?


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