... The forces that form molecules were stronger or weaker?

Our world as we know it consists of countless atoms that form everything we experience, the ground, water, air, animals, plants and even us humans. Several atoms group themselves to form bigger and more complex shapes, called molecules, examples are water and DNA. The reason for this grouping are forces between atoms that make them stick together. But what happened if those forces that eventually form the molecules were stronger or weaker?


... You knew when you will die?

This week on our “What if” category, I would like to ask all of us another very interesting hypothetical question. What if you knew when you will die? I think this is a brilliant question as a lot of us have probably already thought of that scenario before.


...music never existed?

Nowadays, music surrounds us all time. You can listen to music on your phone or it can also be involuntary like in the supermarkets. Music has such an important place in our daily lives whether you realize it or not, so let's imagine together what would our world be like if it would never have been invented.


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