
Have you ever wondered what answers you will get if you could interview Greek personalities like Hades, god of the underworld, or the great Greek poet Homer? No? Well, lucky you, because we already did it for you! Tune in to our fictive Talks with famous people from Greece, and marvel at their unexpected answers!

Interview with Medusa

In Greek mythology Medusa was always described as a monster but today we will get to know her better and we can ask her some private and yet unanswered questions. Maybe there's just a normal girl behind these terrifying looks. Let's find out in our exclusive interview with Medusa!


Interview with Hygiea

I don’t want to tell you the name of our studio guest now because I am sure she will present herself to our audience, I hope she will. To give you an advice: You can find sculptures of her in medical facilities throughout the world.


Interview with Artemis

"I am Artemis and I am responsible for Wilderness, Hunting as well as Birth and Children. You think this combination fits not at all? Well, even this variety of responsibilities makes my life so interesting and exciting. If you want to know more about me, listen to my Interview."


Interview with Cerberus

I am happy, but somehow a little bit afraid of our guest. Why? Well, let me try to describe, he has 3 heads and very sharp teeth..


Interview with Santa Claus

"A good time is coming, I wish it were here, The very best time of the whole year;
I'm counting each day on my fingers and thumbs - the weeks that must pass before Santa Claus comes." We don't have to wait so long to meet him. We interrupted him during his test driving with his sledge. I can just use my fingers to count the last seconds before he will arrive. Who? Today and so closed to Christmas my special guest is nobody else than Santa Claus himself. Lets have a look how the Christmas preparations are going on...


Interview with Ares

Special, but interesting – it describes this studio guest very well. We talked with Ares, the God of war. He was very honest and somehow also nice, even if he can be murderous and dangerous. Just find out more about him while listening to our interview with him.


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