... we could read other people`s minds?

The possibly most important thing in life may be the communication with other people. It determines our relationships, as well in business as in friendship and especially in love, and many more things. Communication can be hard, and it can be easy, however, the key of it is –of course- to get to know the counterpart, to know what he or she is thinking. Will we make the business deal, can I trust him, and, most important: does she love me? Or doesn`t she? What if we wouldn`t have to ask ourselves these questions? What if… we could just read was the other has on mind?

How easy would life be! The never-ending struggles of communication with other humans, the question what my counterpart is thinking of me, what he wants to hear… all this: gone. How easy would a business deal be, if I could just look at my partner and know, how I have to negotiate with him to get exactly what I want. And again, most of all, friendships and love would be so much easier. Not having to run behind a girl or guy for half a year, just to find out that he or she doesn`t want a relationship. You would just know from the first minute. A lot of frustration on the personal level would go away. And if we think on the level of global politics, there are also a lot of advantages. Wars and crisis`s like the economic crisis of the European Union could be averted easily.

But on the other hand, always knowing what is on the others mind, also means, that the truth is always open. And while this seemed to be the best, it is also true, that sometimes truth isn`t good enough. That sometimes, especially in friendships and love, people deserve to get their faith rewarded. Truth can be so painful, and can also be misinterpreted so easily, that sometimes a lie is the best for all sites. This is also an important part of communication. But with reading other people’s minds, the brutal truth would often be laid down clearly in front of you, and even the smallest things can be misunderstood so easily, can hurt so badly. Arguments could on the one hand be solved better, but on the other hand, they would evoke much faster too; so much about the solution for global politics problems.
And last of all, but also very important: Isn’t it one of the most exciting things in life to make new friends, to find your love, and also to fight for those things? What would happen, if we would know everything, the other one thinks of us? We wouldn`t need trust anymore, and what makes every friendship special, trust, would be missing. Therefore friendships would be nothing special to us anymore… life would be not pointless, but just not so nice anymore.

Because of all that, I think a world, in that everyone could read other people’s mind would on the first glance seem easy and fun, but if you look closer, you see, that it is best just the way it is.


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