... music did not exist?

Music is everywhere. There is no situation, in which music isn`t around us, actually. No matter if we are actively listening to it, if someone is singing or humming, if someone is playing a musical instrument or if we just hear it in the radio. It really is everywhere, not one day passes without us having music somewhere. Even you are listening to music right now.

So what if… Music wouldn`t exist? Would never have existed?


Well, first of all, there would be silence. And silence can definitely be something good. Music can often be a source of distraction. Listening to some hard rock while working has not proven to be really constructive, as well as watching a movie during work would be. It just takes up too much space in our attention. So without music, we would be able to work on a higher, more concentrated level and thus have a better and improved life, because we would come up with new and better inventions, etc.. Or wouldn`t we?

There is no denying, that music can also be a great source of inspiration, maybe the best one known. Music in all its beauty can awake emotions unlike anything else. Wouldn`t that be better than working in complete silence just to avoid distraction? And even if we are sometimes irritated by a younger sibling listening to some crappy music on highest volume… let`s face it, this is better than silence, isn`t it?

And there is still so much more to music, than it being only an inspiration or distraction. As already mentioned music is able to awake and strengthen emotions like nothing else. What would a party be without music, or a long car trip with friends? What would Christmas be without its music and what would a movie be without a soundtrack? A Computer game? Certainly, sometimes silence is more suitable for our needs, like when we are reading a book, or working, but in that case we can just turn the radio off. But a life without music? I believe this would be impossible. Boring, without real emotions, a lot of fun would just be missing. It is like this article. With music it is better.

So I believe we all can agree that a world without music would be a catastrophe. It would be like a meal without spices. It would be missing a lot of flavor.

Therefore see you next time on ChiosRadio.gr with lots of music and fun!

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