... christmas was cancelled?

Christmas has been a part of our culture for hundreds of years. It's not only a Christian tradition, actually, it is not really a faith matter anymore, yet there are also some counterpart celebrations in many religions, of course, like jewish Hanukkah. But most of all, Christmas is a reason to give presents, have a few days off of work and eat special dinner with family. It's very commercialized but it became a part of global culture. Have you ever thought about what would happen if one year Christmas was cancelled?


The vision of not having these few free days in winter is a bit depressing, but let's be honest - Christmas is a special time, but also very tiring because of long preparations, hours spent on cooking and finding perfect gifts for our beloved. Without Christmas fever, we wouldn't need a winter break that much. It's especially exhausting for factory and mall workers, but also gives a huge profit. Anyway, it doesn't mean we wouldn't like to eat our special meals. Maybe we don't need a reason to cook them, yet would we like them that much any other day? Many people eat some particular dishes only at Christmas dinners so maybe without celebrating it the whole magic would disappear.

And presents - what about them? Would world be full of sad kids that had been waiting for their presents for the whole year and never got them? Or maybe there would be more equality between children who usually get their gifts and the ones whose parents are too poor to afford buying them?

What do you think - is Christmas really that important as it seems or maybe we don't need it anymore?

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