... we would remain always children?

The fairy tale of Peter Pan is one of the most famous and appreciated of ever, but how should be our life if we would live in a world in which we would never grow up?

Often the adults believe that the children can't have responsabilities, that they depends for everything to the others, and that they are capricious and inconstants, but who understand them deeply knows that the reality is different and they are a continuos positive surprice for their unexpected capacities.
A child can be reliable, can have a big adaptability, and can take care of the others, so it's possible for them to live together also in difficult situations without the presence of the adults.
More than this they have extraordinary capacities that slowly they lose in the growing up process, but remaining children forever we would maintain them. We are talking about their innocence, honesty, fantasy, freedom, sagacity, and happiness that could make our world a better place in which live, if the world of the adults don't would contaminate this kind of innate abilities.
So if we think about a picture about a world in which there are only children, we could see the amazement of the discover in their eyes every day, the semplicity that can make our life easier, the honesty in the relationships that delete the misunderstandings, the abilities to do a deep laugh if we are happy and to cry if we are sad. The beauty is in the eyes of who watch, so we just would need to see everything with this mood to change the world.
Moreover a child would never do a war, also if they hurt someone they have a deep empathy and can say a true apology. They couldn't never destroy the nature to build a shopping center, or discriminate someone because is different for culture, believing or the colour of the skin. They can quarrel, but they can also forgive with easiness.
A such kind of world should be amazing not because the children are perfects, but because often in the growing up process we lose our better qualities, we lose our ability to see and to feel the other like ourselves, and also our love for the life in each facet.
We are adults, but sometimes there is a child inside us that resist and survive although everything. Maybe this part of us should be feed to remember how our daily life can be magic and surprising in its semplicity, without the stakes that we build around us to hide ourselves and that don't permit to see the beauty that surround us.

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