The Alphabet

 The alphabet is one of the greatest and most important inventions of humanity. Writing down ideas and stories with a system that everybody is able to understand, was a huge step and the reason why people from today are able to relate to how people lived centuries and thousands of years ago.

Diaries, calendars, notes, etc. tell us stories of the world, of different countries and cultures, the everyday life of a person more than 5 thousand years ago. It helps us to have an overview over the inventions, events, disasters, wars, kingdoms, love stories, successes and many different things that describe our humanity.

It is there for not forgetting things that happened in the past to prevent repeating the old stories and to have an idea how long we actually already exist. With written texts many people can profit of one genius idea or get informed about incidents. With the creation of the alphabet and the spread of it, also information can be shared all over the world. Our planet without alphabet today is not imaginable.

But who was the genius that created this arrangement of letters? I mean alphabet sounds already Greek, what do you think?




Well, the first real alphabet was made by the Greeks around 7000 BC. But they just added the vocals A, E, I, and O to the already existing arrangement of letters and named it Alphabet, which is a combination of the first two letters Alpha and Beta. The basic arrangement was made by the Phoenicians. Around 1000 BC they reflected on the question of which single sounds their words consist. They gave every sound a sign and brought them in the right order to write a word. In the end they just needed 22 signs, what almost makes today’s alphabet. As I said, just the vocals were missing because they weren’t important for their language. So remember, the Greeks made the first real alphabet, but the idea and the basics came from the Phoenicians.

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