... we all tell the truth?

What if we all tell the things as we think them?

This is a hypothetical situation that has been a while in our minds in ChiosRadio.gr. We all know that we should tell the truth all the time, even if we  know this is difficult.

As we already know every situation has, at least, two sides and in this case one side is that this question that pops up in our minds from time to time when somebody talk to us: “Is this person telling me the truth? What this person means? Was he completely honest?” would not exist anymore since we will always be telling the truth so for the good and the bad things no more misunderstandings, no more telling that you like something when you really don’t like it or no more telling to your friends that their food is awesome when is not good!

But there are also bad sides in this question, many people would miss a really important part or their childhood if they will find out so small how many things in this world are not as we think they are when we are little children.  And like with everything is this world if we will not know that lies exist we will not fight for the truth and would be not a valuable thing anymore.
In ChiosRadio.gr we stand for the truth and integrity and we encourage people to be honest and kind with one another but also for the little lies that sometimes and just sometimes make this world better.

I let to you listeners to make the decision of what you prefer, because as you know this is just a “what if” situation!

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