... you would stop brushing your teeth?

What would happen if you stopped brushing your teeth for one day, one week or one month? How much bacteria would develop inside your mouth? And How long until all your teeth would fall out.

After a single day of not brushing your teeth you would develop plaque on your teeth. Plaque is what helps bacteria to adhere to your teeth, which means you would even more plaque and bacteria. Now a week has gone by since you decided to stop brushing your teeth. You notice the smell of your mouth is getting worse and worse. After one week without using the toothbrush, the plaque in your mouth would begin to harden and form tartar. This is hard plaque that discolors your teeth and only a dentist would be able to get rid of it. And on top of all that, your enamel would begin to be damaged as bacteria continues to increase in your mouth. Now that’s one week of not brushing.

If you stop brushing your teeth for one month you will start getting cavities in your teeth. Also named holes the cavities would get deeper and deeper and start eventually to fill with pus. As time goes one would start developing gingivitis which inflames the gum around your teeth. By now eating will be also painful because your gums become overly sensitive. This would continue for about one year before would start to develop periodontitis. This is when your inner layer of your gum starts to pull away from your teeth. In the space between your gum and your teeth food and bacteria

As you can see not brushing your teeth would affect your health badly. So just brush your teeth every day for a few minutes to stay away from all these problems.

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