
Hello and welcome back to Today I want to present another recipe to you.  Moustokouloura are known as one of the most traditional Greek cookies and are based on grape must, which gives them a unique taste. So lets start cooking!




 125g grape must

 125g olive oil

 100g sugar

 3 teaspoons baking powder

 1 teaspoon cinnamon

 1 teaspoon ground cloves

 Ca. 500g flour


  1. Mix olive oil, sugar, baking powder and the spices in a bowl and stir until the sugar dissolves.
  2. Add the grape must and stir for another 5 to 7 minutes.
  3. Now slowly add the flour (do not stop stirring) and later knead with your hands.
  4. If the dough is to sticky leave it in the fridge for half an hour.
  5. Take a teaspoon of the dough and form a ring shaped cookie. Put the cookies on a tray with backing paper underneath them.
  6. Bake the cookies for 12-15 minutes at 170 degrees Celsius. Watch out that they do not turn to dark!
  7. When finished remove them from the tray and let them cool down. 










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