
The creatures I present you today are fascinating and frightening me at the same time: the Anthropophages.

Translated it means “people-eaters” and that is exactly what they are. These savages feed on humans and thus live a nomadic life in order to find enough people to eat before their secret is revealed. As their lifestyle makes it impossible to find a job, anthropophages do not have any money and build their temporary homes and tools from natural materials. For example, they keep the skulls of their victims and use them as bowls and cups. The anthropophages don't respect laws and don't seem to have their own justice system. From what has been observed so far, it seems like the only rule they know is the right of the strongest. In consequence, they are usually violent and must be avoided in every case. And I do not mean it for laughing, cannibals exist and even though the anthropophages have not been seen in the last years, they present a serious danger. The last time they were reported, they were seen in the mountains in the north. Probably the remoteness there makes it easier to find victims such as lonely hikers, without being discovered by other people. So I can only warn you again, when you are in the wilderness, especially when you are alone, stay away form suspect people or even better, run!

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Anthropophages are a mythical race of man-eaters, first described by Herodotus.


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