
This week we are happy to present to you a very good song by Ron Gelinas called Windsurfing.


This song is written in the major key and therefore gives an uplifting and positive feeling. Ron decided to make it a kind of tropical house style song and thus added the typical percussion instruments like bongos or different noises that add a “tropical” vibe. Also, he makes use of typical rhythmic chord patterns that is mostly used in music of this genre. On top of all of this, he added a synthetic instrument, playing an uplifting melody. This melody can only be heard in some parts of the song and varies on if it’s the “drop” (which is quite far from a typical EDM drop) or simply the buildup to it. Besides that, you are also able to hear a distinct, female voice humming in the background, giving Windsurfing this unmistakable tropical vibe. This song is really well produced and structured, everything seems to have its place and it’s not just some random sounds thrown together.

All in all, I can really recommend listening to this ear-candy and enjoy it yourself!

In fact, you will be able to listen to this song right after my review.

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