... Artificial Intelligence Takes Over?

Have you heard about how Facebook needed to stop an experiment because their chatbots developed a new language the scientists could not understand? So what would happen if scientists aren’t careful enough once and AI has the possibility to get more powerful? Could that even happen? Or is it just a matter of time?


There are scientist who believe that it already started. Self-driving cars are already being tested and digital assistants like Amazon’s Echo or Apple’s Siri are widely spread. All those technologies are based on artificial intelligence and a lot of people already use them every day. The question is just if, or when ‘the Singularity’ happens. This is the moment when AIs become more intelligent than their creators and will therefore get eventually more powerful. So lets just imagine this scenario to be real. How would our world look like?
We can be pretty sure about one thing – the world how we know it would not exist anymore. But experts cannot agree if it would be for better or for worse. Some, like for example Elon Musk or Stephen Hawking warn about the development of artificial intelligence. According to Hawking, AI will take over the world and end the human race. But will this happen as violently as shown in movies like ‘Transformers’? Probably not. If AI is sophisticated enough, it can easily persuade governments to do what they want. If there is enough incentive, humans are likely to do everything. Robots could just create a virtual world and hibernate everybody, while being plugged in for nutrients. The earth could regenerate and there would be much less accidents, if not none at all.
But there are also experts like Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg who believe that AI can enhance our life, that we can just use it as a tool that works hand in hand with humans and provides a better service for everybody.

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