... sunlight was the only thing you needed to survive?

Maybe you can imagine living like a vegetarian or a vegan for some time. But could you imagine not drinking or eating anything at all. To purely nourish yourself from sunlight.

There is actually a word for that, and it is called Inedia. It origins from Hinduism, and describes a diet only based on sunlight. It is considered a deadly pseudoscience by scientists and is known to have caused deaths through starvation and dehydration.
But let`s just imagine those deadly side effects would not be a thing. Let`s just imagine it is 100% possible as well as healthy to live like that. Wouldn`t it be nice to just walk outside, take a breath of air, feel the sun on your skin and be nourished just like that.
It would be great because you wouldn`t have to worry about loads of thing anymore. It would also help you financially, as you wouldn`t spend any money on food. You could solve the whole world`s food problem by just telling everyone to eat from sunlight. So for a start being able to eat from the sun would save many lives.
Economically it would also have massive effects. All the Land that’s currently being used to grow crops or in general produce food would be abandoned. So obviously, not having to produce food anymore would have a huge impact on modern society and every part of one’s life.
Another question that comes up is what happens to restaurants or bars. If there is no need to eat anymore would people still go there to enjoy themselves and have fun, or would those places be abandoned as well? Therefore not having to eat anymore would also impact the way our cities or villages look.
Another interesting question is, if instead of getting sunburned you would get obese from being in the sun for too long. Or in general what effects, being exposed to the sun for too long have.
So as you`ve just heard there are a lot of interesting things to consider, when thinking about a diet only based on sunlight. However, as proven by many studies it is highly unlikely that something like that will ever happen.

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