... the atmosphere disappeared?

Everybody has heard of the atmosphere, the giant layer of gas that surrounds our planet, but could you tell what would happen if it just disappeared? In this week's article i will tell you just that, so let's get started.

First of all, it would be completely silent. Sound requires air to travel, which would no longer be there.
Also the sky would turn black. The blue we see when we look up is only because of the atmosphere. Have you ever seen a picture of space? That's the kind of sky im talking about.
On top of that, all planes and birds would fall out of the sky, because, even though we can't see it, they need air to support them.
Only because of our atmosphere it is possible for us and other animals to breathe and for plants to do photosynthesis. The atmosphere prevents gases such as oxygen and carbondioxide from escaping into space, and also allows for liquids to exist on the planet. In other words, life as we know it wouldn't exist on earth if we didn't have an atmosphere.
The surface of the earth would also change dramatically. Not only would there be no vegetation, no animals and no water bodies, but all of the meteors, that normally burn up in our atmosphere, would now hit the ground and create thousands and thousands of craters all over the planet. Earth as it is today couldn't exist.
That's why the atmosphere, even though we don't see it, or think about it very often, is one of the main factors why life can exist on earth. Without it, earth would just be another planet floating in space and I wouldn't be recording this article.

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