... global warming constantly continues?

You might have heard of it in the news or listened to it on the radio several times already. Also in politics this topic is very present and part of serious discussions: the global warming. Since it is a very important topic, I decided to invite you listeners to think about our today's what if-question together with me. What if global warming constantly continues?


Several surveys dealt with this difficult question already. It's a fact that the way our population nowadays treats our environment causes the global average temperature to rise. Especially the consumption of the fossil fuels from around 7 to 8 Million people world wide through for example the use of cars or industries reinforces the so called greenhouse-effect. Now, let's answer our what-if question of today, by taking a closer look at the rising sea level – a result of global warming.


In the past century the global average temperature rose around half a degree because of constant emissions of greenhouse gases and the sea level increased around 20 centimeters. To give you an example for the extend of this procedure: in about thousands of years nearly all of the coastal towns, metropolises like London or New York and the Netherlands would be flooded completely. This would cause many people to leave their home-town or even home-country. Maybe there would be complications concerning property of land and origin.

If this would not be difficult enough, the probability of storm tides also increases with a rising sea level. Natural disaster would cause the death of many people and a lot of sorrow and grief in the world. An intense transition of the average temperature could as well cause the extinction of various plant and animal types, because they would not be adapted to their natural environment anymore.


It seems to be really far away from us, but still it should be the responsibility of our generation today to do something against global warming, at least for following generations. And if we seriously think about it, it is not as far away from us, as it may seem.



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