... we could turn into mermaids?

Have you ever thought of jumping into the water and turning into a mermaid­? Diving through the blue Aegean Sea without needing an oxygen bottle or any kind of diving equipment? You could observe the fishes, swim to the ground of the sea, find old ship wrecks, have races with dolphins….

There are many tales about human-like creatures living in the seas. One of them is about the sister of king Alexander the Great, Thessalonike. It is told that she tried to kill herself after the death of her brother by drowning in the Aegean Sea. But instead of drowning she turned into a mermaid and every time a sailor comes across her she asks: “Is Alexander the king alive?”. In case the sailor answers: “He lives and reigns and conquers the world”, he will stay alive. Otherwise Thessalonike turns into a Gorgon who drowns the ship and the whole crew.

All these tales have one thing in common: mermaids are mostly described as dangerous and they are often linked to the sailors’ death on the Sea.
But what if just everyone could turn into a mermaid every time we want? We could live in beautiful buildings that look like old ship wrecks on the ground of the sea, we could do underwater-safaries where we observe sword fishes and jellyfishes and sea horses and whales. We could search for old ship wrecks on the deepest grounds of the seas, we could find new species we cannot even think of now.

So, next time you are going to the sea to relax, just lie down and start your fantasy journey into the wonderful world of dolphins, fishes and sea anemones. Imagine the wind is the water that you are swimming through. It is warm and you glide through it with your mermaid tail that is glittering in the sun. Maybe you will find the Titanic or even the desparate Thessalonike. But perhaps it won't be very nice to meet her...

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