... the fauna and the flora of the sea would not exist or would be destroyed some day?

Chios, as the most islands or lands on the maritime regions is in a large part the home of people, who make their living through the cohabitation with the sea and the use of the gifts it can give us. Of course the fishers are not the only ones, who profit of the fishery, fish is wanted all over the world.



Because fishery is such a profitable business, especially when you fish a lot with low costs, there are invented a lot of methods for the massive yield of the sea, which are mostly used by big companies. The old ways, which are usually used by the native, are not anymore profitable enough.
Those “new” methods have as one side-effect, that the fishes can not procreate fast enough, that there are more fishes captivated than needed and also that animals get killed, we do not have any use of.
This by-catch, which is thrown again back into the sea, descends to the ground and decays, with this there is an decrease of oxygen and a increase of carbon in the sea.
The same happens with the sudden increase of the growth of the fauna and flora - the so-called eutrophy-, through the intervention of the human, but also because of the climate change.
This conditions have the effect that there is a lack of oxygen and also that the water gets poisonous, it gets sour and so there is an abrupt climax of the dying of the sea-life, with the same result.
This phenomenon is natural, but it got much intense through the human. The result of this and a lot more, is that the fauna of the sea gets killed.
Another side-effect of those rough methods of fishing is literally the rape of the sea ground. For example there are pictures taken after the fishing with a trawl net, the so called bottom trawling.
There is nothing left.  
Of course this way of fishing is here only an example. Oil contamination, trash and other also destroy highly the sea.
But what does it mean for us humans? What would you believe would happen if the sea ground was blank?
Firstly there would not be any kind of animal living in the sea, of what should they live?
Then a lot of products, we use could not be used, like alga and all the products made of this, sponges, some organic fertilizer and a lot more.
But then it can be said, that we do not absolutely need those products, we can eat meat and use if needed the plants, which grow on the land, of course it is sad to not be able to swim in a coral reef, but what can we do?
So on this, what do you think, - would the plants on the land be able to live without their fellows in the sea, would we really be able to live on?
However did you know that the sea produce the biggest amount of oxygen on the earth? Around 70%, which are made through the photosynthesis at an accumulation of a special kind of alga.
Did you know that the ocean works as one big store for carbon?
Or did you maybe know that the ocean is a huge tank for warmth or a cushion in the continental lapse rate?
And of course it secures the source of our drinking water.
So what do you believe, is it good to take care of the flora and the fauna of the seas or maybe also of the whole seas all over the world?

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