Speak if the window is Greek

For sure you take windows for granted, right? Of course as you don't know and probably also can't imagine life without them. But when did they become invented and who did it? If you want to know, keep on reading!

 Greece is well known for it's architectural masterworks. But the window actually didn't get invented on purpose but developed with the time out of an idea that should improve the life of the Greek people.
When the houses became more fixed and enclosed, the Greek people had the problem to bring light and fresh air inside the house. Back then, the only opportunity to do so was the main entry. Some day, a young Greek man that was interested in architecture had the idea to leave small holes between the single bricks when building a house, which seemed like a good opportunity to lead in light and fresh air in at first. Unfortunately the house turned out to be unstable and there was no opportunity to keep the warm air inside in winter. So, the Greek people started searching for another solution and invented the first window similar to the ones we know today. The advantage of a few big holes was that you could shut them if you don't need them.
With the time, windows became a sign of wealth as they showed that someone can afford a fixed and enclosed house. Especially families that could afford to fill the windows with translucent material were reputable. The first glazed window has been found near to Athens.

So, do you believe me or not? If you want to know, check the answer down below!

It's true that windows are an ancient invention and likely got invented with the development of fixed and enclosed houses. However the Greek people didn't invent them, in contrast their ancient culture nearly led to a disappearance of windows as every room was lightened by a door to the central court they built their house around. First representations of windows appear in wall paintings in Egypt.

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