... cafés would not exist?

For sure everybody has been at least in one of them in his life: Cafés. They often are the centre of social interacting and hours and hours of talking are spent there. But what would we do if they did not exist?

First of all many waiters, cooks and barkeepers would lose their job. We had Millions more of jobless and maybe homeless people and especially young people, who often start to work as waiter in a Café, may had a harder start in their working life.

Secondly many people may lose their favorite hobby. A majority of persons who say they like to spend their time with their friends also mean to go for a coffee with them. Especially women love the endless conversations you can have when you sit in a good Café.

But maybe there would come into being a new type of social meeting and a new place for this would grow. However our social life may be different without Cafés in our world.

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