
Have you ever wondered what answers you will get if you could interview Greek personalities like Hades, god of the underworld, or the great Greek poet Homer? No? Well, lucky you, because we already did it for you! Tune in to our fictive Talks with famous people from Greece, and marvel at their unexpected answers!

Interview with Draco

Today's guest called Draco played an imported role in Greek history. He is the first legislator of Athens who was democratically chosen by the Athenian citizens.


Interview with Andromache

Today we expect a woman in our chiosradio studio who has been through a lot in her lifetime. As she is the daughter of the king Eetion and the wife of Hector she is a very well-known woman of the greek mythology.


Interview with Tartarus

This is a very speical moment for me. I feel very honered to be able to say that this weeks interviewpartner is Tartarus. He came all the way up to us from the underworld just to answer us some questions. So thank you very much for coming here today!


Interview with Agamemnon

We are happy to have the famous Agamemnon in our Chiosradio studio today. He is known for being the leader of the Greek warriors during the Trojan War. Please welcome with me Agamemnon, the king of Mycenae!


Interview with Michalis Hatzigiannis

Today I would like all of us to welcome a very special guest in our studio. He is known all over Greece and Cyprus, especiallyfor his music. He is one of the most famous artists from Cyprus and many people all over the world listen to his music. The man I am talking about is of course the one and only Michalis Hatzigiannis.


Interview with Anaximander

This time on chiosradio we are honoured to great the famous Anaximander who has contributed to many important advancements in today's view of the world!


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