
Have you ever wondered what answers you will get if you could interview Greek personalities like Hades, god of the underworld, or the great Greek poet Homer? No? Well, lucky you, because we already did it for you! Tune in to our fictive Talks with famous people from Greece, and marvel at their unexpected answers!

Interview with Sphinx

Welcome back to another interview with a famous person from the Greek Mythology. This week I invited the Sphinx and I am very happy that she followed the invitation is now sitting right next to me here in our studio. So welcome and thank you so much for coming!


Interview with Ikaros

Today I would like to welcome another very special guest in our chiosradio studio. Please give it up for Ikaros.


Interview with Bellerophon

Our special guest for today’s talk is one of the most famous Greek heroes. He comes from Corinth and is known as the brave slayer of monsters. Please welcome with me the amazing Bellerophon in our chiosradio studio.


Interview with Thetis

In the past we interviewed many famous guests which were included in the Trojan war here on chiosradio but this week I will introduce you to Thetis who actually is the person behind this whole war. So this interview might be one of the interesting ones ever. So keep listening.

And here she is, welcome to our studio Thetis and thanks a lot for coming!


Interview with Stefan Krainer

Today we welcome another very special international guest in our studio : Stefan Krainer.


Interview with Hector

This time we have a famous fighter from the defense of Troy. Please welcome Hector!!


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