
Have you ever wondered what answers you will get if you could interview Greek personalities like Hades, god of the underworld, or the great Greek poet Homer? No? Well, lucky you, because we already did it for you! Tune in to our fictive Talks with famous people from Greece, and marvel at their unexpected answers!

Interview with Atalanta

I am very happy to have a woman in our chiosradio station today. Most people that we interview here are male, so please welcome with me the amazing Atalanta, daughter of Iasus and Clymene!


Interview with Antigone

Hello and welcome to the chiosradio studio. Today I want you to welcome another very special guest. This young lady has been through a lot and offered us to talk about it with her. Please give it up for Antigone!


Interview with Hydna of Scion


Today, we are happy to have the very skilled swimmer, Hydna of Scion! She had an important role during one of the battle of the Greco-Persian Wars.


Interview with Anaximenes

This week we are happy to present to you a famous ancient philosopher! Please welcome Anaximenes!



This week our guest comes from Crete, it is the queen Pasiphaë herself. She is married to the king Minos and had several children with him including Ariadne who helped Theseus to defeat the Minotaur who also is a child of Pasiphaë. Let’s hear what she can tell us about this complicated family life.


Interview with Chiron

I am happy to tell you that we have a very special guest today. He is not entirely human but also partly akin to a horse. Some of you might already know him as he is said to be the wisest and justest of all centaurs. Please welcome Chiron in our chiosradio studio.


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