
Have you ever wondered what answers you will get if you could interview Greek personalities like Hades, god of the underworld, or the great Greek poet Homer? No? Well, lucky you, because we already did it for you! Tune in to our fictive Talks with famous people from Greece, and marvel at their unexpected answers!

Interview with Zeno of Citium

Welcome Zeno of Citium and thank you for taking the time today.


Interview with Protagoras

Today in our Chios radio studio, I would like to introduce you a special guest from the Greek historian again who is a significant sophist and is known and was criticized due to his works and point of view as a sophist for example “everything is subjective, everything is true” or a quote by him, "Man is the measure of all things".


Interview with Artemis

She is one of the twelve Olympic gods and is known as the goodness of hunt, the wilderness, wild animals, chastity and childbirth. We are very happy to welcome Artemis to our Chios radio studio today!


Interview with Antisthenes


Today we have a special guest on It is the Greek philosopher Antisthenes, who is known to be one of the founder of the cynic philosophy and to be the mentor of Diogenes. If you want to listen to the interview please click on the YouTube video under this text.


Interview with Thucydides


Another week means another interview! He is known to be "The father of scientific history". Listen to this interview of Thucydides to learn more about this Athenian historian.


Interview with Soranus

As we are slowly getting closer to the end of the Corona pandemic, I am very happy to welcome another guest in our studio for an interview. He did not work on viruses, but he was a doctor of Ancient Greece, so let's hear what Soranus of Ephesus can tell us about his life as a physician 100 years AD!



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