
After coming home from an intense and stressful school or workday, everybody of us just wants to enjoy something sweet and delicious and besides that getting more energy for the rest of the day again. For our category Culture, I will present you another traditional Greek specialty for you which is a dessert and called Kalitsounia or Lichnarakia.


Tomatoes of Pirgi


Here on our island summer finally has arrived and that means every day is sunny, dry and warm or hot. On the one hand that is great weather for relaxing at the beach and going swimming but on the other hand, the dry weather is a challenge for the nature and you can see the mountains changing colour from lush green to brown.


Cypriot Talatouri

Barbecues are a part of the Greek tradition. It is an event were family and friends come together to enjoy grilled food but also to share stories and drink a bit of Ouzo. But what would be a barbecue without any sauces and dips?  is a traditional Greek dip which fresh taste perfectly rounds up the flavor of grilled meat.




We have another Greek specialty in our category Culture for you. This time it is a dessert again, called Yiaourtopita. This traditional Greek yogurt cake is made with the typical Greek yogurt that makes it extra moist.


Club Sandwich

I know, I know, Club Sandwich? I know what you’re thinking: Doesn’t sound too Greek, right? But trust me, you will find this dish on nearly every restaurant menu in Greece.



Easter is right around the corner and there is a Tradition in Greece to bake a special bread for the Sunday before “Palm Sunday”, which is the “Saturday of Lazaruses” (so two weeks before Easter). This special bread is called “Lazarakia” (little Lazarues) and is made to celebrate the mircal of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead.


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