Greek Easter Traditions

In Greece Easter is a really big deal, for some people even the most important celebration of the year. Sometimes the date differs from the Western Easter, because in the Greek Orthodox Church it is calculated after the ancient Julian calendar unlike the western church who is going after the Gregorian calendar.


Greek Independence Day

The Greek Independence Day on the 25th of March is a reminder of the Greek War of Independence or the Greek Revolution against the Ottoman Empire, and celebrated all over Greece.


Greek Name Day Tradition


The Greek Orthodox Church is the official religion in Greece. In this Christian denomination, saints and martyrs have a certain day dedicated to themselves. If a Greek person is named after one of these people, it is a common gesture to mark the specific day with a name day celebration. 


Greek Orthodox Pentecost

The Orthodox Pentecost (Πεντεκοστί) is celebrated 50 days after Orthodox Easter. The Feast commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles on the day of Pentecost, a feast of the Jewish tradition.


Greek Orthodox Wedding

The Greek Orthodox Wedding is an ancient and beautiful ceremony, which has been celebrated in its current form for centuries. It is full of symbolism, quite different from weddings one might attend in Western Europe.


Greek Shadow Theatre

If you would compare our topic of today with television or YouTube, probably you would think it is slow and boring. But I am sure, as soon as you would have a closer look behind the screen, you would find it very fascinating. Let's talk about the tradition of the Greek shadow theatre.


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