Oenopides - The Blazing Sun in Greek Science

Oenopides of Chios was a Greek astronomer, mathematician and geometer, who was born on Chios shortly after the year 500 / 490 BC on the island of Chios, and died about 420 BC. In the time around 450 BC, he was living in Athens, with revolutionary discoveries in both astronomy and geometry.


Stamatios Krimigis – Explorer of the Solar System

Born on Chios on the 10th of September 1938, Stamatios (Tom) M. Krimigis emerged from the small island and became one of the leading scientist in modern space explorations of the USA and the whole world.


The Ralli Brothers – Business of Five

Being one of the worlds most famous Greek merchant family of the Victorian era, the Rally Brothers was a company of five brothers.


Theopompos of Chios

Theopompus of Chios was a Hellenic scholar, historian and rhetorician. Born about
378 BC on the island of Chios.


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