The Sink

This week's topic will be the sink, an everyday object that brings a lot of comfort to our lives. However, it was not always that comfortable to wash your hands at a sink. In the past one hand had to be washed after the other because the water didn't run automatically. Nevertheless, the ancient Greeks changed that quickly and invented the automated sink with running water, so everyone could wash both hands at the same time.

In general, the ancient Greeks really took care of their body's hygiene. They washed themselves with lumps of clay, enjoyed steam baths and rubbed their skin with oil which was later scrubbed off along with any dirt. The importance of this is also evident in the story of Achilles who was bathed in order to gain his invincibility. Excavation sites uncover whole areas dedicated to bathing, ceramic bathtubs and sophisticated drainage systems.

Of course, modern times demanded changes and in 1937 one foreign man decided to drastically change the ancient Greek invention. Alfred Moen, an American college student, invented a single-handle tap which mixed the cold and hot water before it exited. The reason is easily explained. He worked evenings in an garage to pay for his tuition. When he came home one night he turned on the water and nearly burned himself because he had used the wrong handle. This got him thinking and he soon had a solution to control both water volume and temperature. However, it took him until after World War II to convince a manufacturer who was willing to support his idea which eventually made him a rich man. At the end of his life, despite his many other talents, on his business card it still said "Inventor".

Back to the first automated sink without the modern touches. Do you believe that the Greeks with their fondness for hygiene were the first to have sinks with automatically running water? Check down below to see the solution!

Although there is not much information about how these sinks were invented, the ancient Greeks are believed to be the creators of this rather modern concept.

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