What if ...

Hypothetical, no-nonsense and worthwhile: Listen to our small "What if"-scenarios about pretty much everything that could be different.

The "What- If"- scenarios closely resemble this logo that we created: Imagine a balloon is passing your way with the written question "What If.." on it. In our mind that captured many different situations, seriously and funny.

So what if ...

... invisibility cloaks really existed?

Just imagine, we could just throw on our magic cloak and wander around without being seen by anyone like a certain young wizard with a scar on his forehead… Countless unimagined opportunities, so many things we have dreamt of we could finally do in the safety of our invisibility…


... salt never existed?

What is the worst for every cook? Probably, preparing a five-star-menu and not having anything that spices up the food and gives it the right flavor for perfecting it. But not only professional chefs would become desperate without our most important seasoning – the salt -, also the rest of us human beings would most likely miss this important condiment very much in our everyday – life.


... humanity did not exist?

The oceans, the forests and of course the inhabited areas of the Earth: no matter where you go, almost everywhere you will see some kind of human interference. Seeing this I always wonder, what the Earth and its ecosystem would be like if humans did never exist here?


... we had no hair?

Imagine that! I know it is a weird thought, but some people, caused by diseases, already deal with that. Scientists say that one day humans won’t have hair anymore because we actually don’t need it. It is there to keep the body warm. But therefore we have clothes.


... we all tell the truth?

What if we all tell the things as we think them?

This is a hypothetical situation that has been a while in our minds in ChiosRadio.gr. We all know that we should tell the truth all the time, even if we  know this is difficult.


... we had changed seasons?

Climate change is one of the most discussed current topics in the departments of media, politics, environmental protection and our everyday life.  One of its known consequences is a recognizable change in temperatures, weather and all related phenomena.  Certainly, a large development of the climate change would also influence our seasons – spring, summer, autumn and winter.
But what would be the possible effects?


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