
In this weeks speak if it’s Greek we will talk about the famous game football.Football is undoubtedly the most famous sport in the Europe and maybe even the world, in the big tournaments like champions league and the world cup millions of people watch every match and the final there can be as much as 700 million people watching. So who invented this amazing game?

Many people believe it was invented by the Mayans or the English people but it was actually invented by the ancient Greek around the year of 200.bc. The first football was a leather ball filled with feathers and dog hair, the aim of the game was not to score goals but to have as many touches with your head as possible without using your hands. The game was 2 hours long and it was most popular with the girls.

The first professional football match ever was played in England in 1863 but the first time people played around with a ball was in ancient Greek.


This story is false nobody is 100% sure where football started but most people think china

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