
Of course people started to describe and to analyze the past a long time ago, and history, as a matter of fact, was firstly invented in ancient Greece.
Herodotus, who lived in the 5th century B.C.E. is known as the “Father of History”. The preface of his writing “Histories” begins with the exposure of the author’s intention of collecting deeds and facts, as well as the causes behind them, in order to keep them in humans’ memory.


The Globe

It is well-known that the Ancient Greeks were skilled sailors, in fact they are also the inventors of the globe.


The Sink

This week's topic will be the sink, an everyday object that brings a lot of comfort to our lives. However, it was not always that comfortable to wash your hands at a sink. In the past one hand had to be washed after the other because the water didn't run automatically. Nevertheless, the ancient Greeks changed that quickly and invented the automated sink with running water, so everyone could wash both hands at the same time.


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