
„Best Foreign Language Film” in 1991. The film is set during World War II(in this war there were two factions. The Allies: United states, China,France ,UK and the Axis :Italy,Germany and Japan. ), and is about a group of Italian soldiers who are stranded on a Greek island and left behind by the war. The filming location was the Greek island Kastellorizio in the Dodecanese island complex.

In 1941, one year after Italy joined Germany against the Allies in World War II, a small group of misfit Italian soldiers is sent to a small Greek island in the Aegean Sea for four months on lookout duty. The soldiers include a lieutenant who likes art, a macho sergeant, a farmer accompanied by his beloved donkey Silvana, and more quirky people. They are not very good soldiers, but average, independent men.The soldiers fear an attack from outside on the island and take all sorts of misplaced precautions. They find a small town without any people. That night, they see bombings on the horizon and realize that the ship that should have picked them up had been destroyed. Then mysteriously, people reappear in the village: the villagers say they hid because the Germans had taken all the men, but as the Italians are absolutely harmless they have decided to return to their lives. It isn't long before everyone's sunny nature reappears. The Italian soldiers, unacquainted to a war they clearly don't sense as theirs, are absorbed into the life, heat and landscape of the idyllic island.


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